Goodbye 2023!

“There are years that ask questions, and years that answer them.” – Zora Neale Hurston

For those who have been following my blog for a bit know that I love this quote this time of year. Earlier this year I wrote “Two years ago, I said that I felt like 2020 answered a lot of questions for me and I thought 2021 would also answer a lot of questions for me. I feel like this past year, 2022 asked more questions than it answered – my housing issues, finishing a PhD and struggling a lot to do so, temporarily living with my partner, moving and starting a new job all very overwhelming called for a lot of questioning. Not to mention all the pandemic and all the ongoing political issues (don’t get me started on Roe v. Wade). Questioning of do I want to stay in academia? Should I be prioritizing making money more? What do I really value in life? What do I really want in life? How should I be going about achieving that? And I don’t have answers for any quite yet. But I’m thinking this year, 2023 will answer some for me.”

And yes, this was definitely a year that answered many, many questions for me. I spent a lot of time exploring my relationship with academia and where I wanted my career to go. And I really appreciate my amazing therapist for working through this with me because it was really hard for me. And well I have big news there. I will be starting the new year with a new trajectory in my career. I am leaving my postdoc! And no, I am not leaving because my boss is awful. Although he really is and if I wanted to stay I would have shifted labs. I am leaving because I want a career that aligns well with my values and desires and that was just not academic research. I am taking a scientific editing role. This will allow me to stay heavily involved with academia without being stuck in the academic system. It lets me contribute to the progress of my field without needing to touch a pipette which is good because I am pretty sure my right thumb is on its way to being arthritic. Also they are letting me keep my teaching role. And most important of all I am super excited for this position! I can’t wait to tell you all more about it but that’s it for now because I really don’t know much else yet.

Anyway, I am curious to see what 2024 has in store for me. I have no predictions for it. None!

So tell me, was 2023 a year that asked more questions or answered them? What kind of year do you think 2024 will be?

Where I am at these days…

Hilarious! I started this draft on back on November 7th thinking I’d actually be posting again on time… Not that the timeline matters since it’s an arbitrary self-set deadline for my personal blog. But super interesting to see where I left off because I kind of forgot… These last two months have been a blur. So picking up from the last update (re: this post).

Well… I did not go hiking. The weather did not cooperate. I did, however, go to my lovely restorative yoga class and then I went on a date to City Winery. I have been seeing this guy a lot. Well that didn’t last! He ghosted me as when I came back from Thanksgiving after me pushing back to him trying to make me a booty call. He asked me to come over at 10/11pm after he was done hosting a football watch party. Like what? I had initially been invited to that party… At least I thought. It was in my calendar. And I had met his friends at a Halloween party. And he had asked me if I would go to his work Christmas party. Mixed messages much? And I would have been okay being uninvited but communicate that. I wasn’t super bummed it ended since I didn’t see long term compatibility but I was enjoying our time together. But it’s all good and I didn’t let it get me down. Okay, that’s a lie. I was pissed for three days and vented to everyone I saw and appreciated them telling me he was an asshole. I mostly just very angry of how disrespectful his behavior was, ghosting after a date or three is fine. But we were regularly seeing each other multiple times a week, sleeping together, and texting daily. At least respond to end it. But I have since moved on. It really only took three days. And I have been on some very lovely dates with some lovely people that I will see again in the near future.

November 11th ended up being my last shift at the farmer’s market for the season. I was supposed to work that Sunday too but it ended up being canceled so I never go the change to ask my muffin man crush out. Oh well. I have been enjoying the break. I had been feeling pretty burnt out from doing too much. So having weekends back has been nice although they have been very jammed packed with social events so it’s been both refilling and exhausting. Sorry, can’t think of a better word than refilling right now – feel free to suggest a better term.

As for running the half marathon. Nope, didn’t happen. I did go on a really nice 10k at the beginning of November. Gorgeous day for a run along the Schuylkill and I felt good – managed ~9:30 pace. It did make me realize I really, really miss running. But it also made me realize I wanted to keep missing running and running a half undertrained would more likely burn me out (and hurt me) rather than motivate me to keep up the sport. So while I haven’t been running since then, I am confident I will be back to it sooner than later.

My cousin’s wife did run the half though so I got to spend the afternoon with their family which was really, really nice. I’m actually going to spend Christmas with them too. I also went home to Minnesota to spend Thanksgiving with my sister. It was just her and I which was perfect – no stress and we cooked a whole feast. It was my first time back in two years and I realize I really want more freedom in my life for my loved ones than academia provides – both because of time and money. More on that at the end.

Oh I almost forgot about this but it’s here from the original draft. Spoke to my ex. It was heartbreaking. As it always was with him. I have no anger or hatred towards him. Only love. But I am also choosing not to forgive him. And I told him that. We did spend some time catching up, it was really nice to hear about everything especially how his family was doing since they were a big part of my life. But the this is nice didn’t last because a few weeks after the nice catch up he was a jerk again so I am done ever talking to him. Deleted, blocked, and forgotten which is unfortunate but not all on me.

Oh and I mentioned I was job hunting. I have a few promising avenues right now including two final interviews this week which I really should be prepping for but I am trying to just sort my whole brain out first and writing this post helps (or at least that’s the excuse I make for using it as a tool of procrastination). One of those final interviews is with a local college for a visiting professor job so I had to take off Friday for the sample lecture and interview. Well when I asked my boss for the day off yesterday, which should not have been a shock since he wrote me a letter for the position, he came across very hostile. He told me that I really needed to step it up and deliver more if he was going to “allow me to leave” in August. He also said a lot of other inappropriate, unnecessary, untrue and disparaging things including how disappointed he is in me because you know, that’s always the way to go to motivate people. And then he made a veiled threat about how if I couldn’t do *all of this* and by this I mean his unreasonable expectations (like a full publication LOL) then maybe we should discuss us parting ways sooner. My response, instead of what I think he expected which was me dedicating the next 8 months busting my ass for him nights and weekends was to say actually maybe you’re right and then we decided that I will be done being his postdoc as of March. And I have never felt so relieved. Although I will feel better when I have a job offer in hand soon so I probably should get to that prep work now.

Sorry I’m too tired to insert photos so I hope you just enjoy this block of text.

Seasons Greetings

I sit here a little stoned, shoveling room temperature Panda Express down my throat pondering how social media killed the Christmas card. I can’t take credit for this idea because I put on a terrible Hallmark/Lifetime-esque Christmas movie that’s on Netflix (I adore this genre of movies by the way) and it opened with a scene about a Christmas letter. I am not talking card, we all still get those photos of your families, I’m talking those letters where it shared details of the whole family’s accomplishments. I remember one neighbor/my friend’s dad used to write the most entertaining of these letters. And while not a single detail of one of them remains in my memory, the feeling of pure true enjoyment and entertainment persists and I think his writing style actually probably influences mine. Although I’m not even close to his skill level. He wrote such genuine pieces that celebrated the mundane quotidian with hilarity that kept you hooked. That feeling now that you get only a nearly negligle reaction of with silly memes you trade with friends on social media. Anyway, this has inspired me to create my own letter recapping 2023 and all the major updates.

Wow 2023, the year I technically earned my PhD. I know, I know I claimed it all socially last year after my defense but due to delays in filing and waiting for the paperwork to process it wasn’t converted to this year. And I mean it this time, I have evidence of it on a piece of paper that is smaller than an A4 – not quite I expected. Which I guess accurately describes my degree. I’m still postdocing and teaching but I have gotten off my high horse of the beauty of academia. While I knew I always signed up to be poor on this track, I’ve decided to pursue other pastures so I can at least afford eggs. And no, I don’t have a new job yet but I’ve made up my mind to finally get out there and look for one so for me that’s a celebration. As for you, you all can celebrate I told you so because you were right. Really, why did no one tell me academia was a poor (literally) choice? Oh that’s right, you did. I ran a half marathon and then I skipped a few too. I get it now, why you all hate running. It’s painful, just like getting older. I did finally get my 200 hour yoga teaching certification. If I wrote this letter back in 2014, you would have known I signed up then but ended up backing out to go to NYC which just set me on a trajectory to ruin my life (i.e. academia). To be honest, I really question why I moved there because I never had the dream of the Big Apple… Don’t get me wrong, I love that I got my PhD and I would do it again but that because I am a stupid romantic. Speaking of romance, there is none in my life. Unless you count Brigid, my hedgehog who is as prickly in her affections as her mother. She’s doing well and I think I got another two years left in her (why does everyone seem to ask me how old she is?). Lastly, I got a solo place, finally at the age of 33 and honestly, I think this is the best decision I have ever made in my life. Who knew roommates sucked? I also had space in my newfound place for a Christmas tree – please see enclosed photo. It’s decorated with dried flowers, the five ornaments I have in my possession, the two medals from the races I ran, and no lights because did I mention I’m but a poor academic? Anyways, happy holidays! Please send cash in lieu of seasons greetings.
