
Debating between titling this “Bad Kisser” or “Too Much Tongue” – feel free to weigh in in the comments

I forgot how much
I like kissing
You were wrong
It wasn’t that I didn’t like you
It was the opposite
I liked you too much
To walk away

I’m thirsty too

I sit on your bedside
A sip to be taken
in the middle of the night
To quench your thirst
First thing in the morning

I sit on your bedside
Maybe to water your plants
I sit on your bedside
To be used
And used
But I’m never refilled
Till I’m empty



All I need to do
is put on that album
and you
and that night
replay through my head
You wanted to show me one song
but you showed me so much more
we discovered so much more

For those who are curious, this is the song.