We once shared air

I haven’t left yet
And yet
I’m grieving you
All of you
The student
The cat
Your familiarity
The comfort of routine
Or wordless acknowledgements
Our expectations of each other’s presence
And the notice of their absence
I will miss you
And years from now I’ll probably not remember
Or recognize you on the street
But our shared camaraderie
Will be embedded in my bones
My heart and my soul
Long after I forgot it’s origin
You are a piece of me
As I am a piece of you

Written back in April, when I made the decision I needed to move and was sad to think I would have a different commute and miss them. But then I only moved two blocks so I still have the same bus route so not applicable I guess. 🙂

The Commute



My daily commute
Has me
On time

Like the Septa
What am I running late for
Am I behind?

Am I simply waiting
For the passage of time

What if I were
To get off at a later stop?
Take a new route

Does the destination
Ever really matter

I mentioned many a poem has been written on my commute. So of course, I had to write one about my commute.